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Tips for an Effective Strata Meeting

July 17th 2024

At Kinetic Realty & Property Management, we understand the unique challenges that strata communities in Kamloops face. Effective strata meetings help your community maintain harmony, make informed decisions, and ensure the smooth operation of your strata corporation. Here, as a strata management services provider, we provide comprehensive tips for conducting effective strata meetings and illustrate how a strata management company can assist in making these meetings productive and compliant with BC strata laws.

Preparation is Key

Agenda Setting

  • A well-prepared agenda is the cornerstone of an effective strata meeting. Distribute the agenda well in advance, detailing each item to be discussed and allocating time for each. This helps keep the meeting focused and on schedule.

  • How a Strata Management Company Can Help: A strata management company can assist in preparing and distributing a detailed agenda, ensuring all relevant topics are covered.


  • Ensure all necessary documents, including financial reports, previous meeting minutes, and proposals, are distributed before the meeting. This allows members to review and come prepared with informed questions and comments.

  • How a Strata Management Company Can Help: A strata management company manages the preparation and distribution of all relevant documents, ensuring compliance with BC strata laws.

Confirm Attendance

  • Confirm attendance of key members and ensure there is a quorum as required by the Strata Property Act of BC (i.e., the presence or proxy of ⅓ of the strata’s total votes). Encourage owners to attend or appoint proxies if they cannot.

  • How a Strata Management Company Can Help: A strata management company tracks and confirms attendance, ensuring quorum requirements are met for legally binding decisions.

Conducting the Meeting

Time Management

  • Start the meeting on time and adhere to the agenda. Assign a timekeeper to monitor the schedule and keep discussions on track.

Role Clarity

  • Clearly define the roles of the chairperson, secretary, and other key participants. Each role should be aware of their responsibilities during the meeting.

  • How a Strata Management Company Can Help: Experienced strata managers can chair the meeting or assist key participants in fulfilling their roles effectively.

Establish Ground Rules

  • Set and remind participants of meeting ground rules, such as respecting speaking turns and keeping discussions relevant to the agenda.


Encourage Active Participation

  • Promote input from all members, ensuring everyone (especially quieter members) has the opportunity to contribute. Acknowledging contributions fosters an inclusive environment.

Clear Communication

  • Use clear, concise language and avoid jargon. Make sure everyone understands the discussion topics, which helps in making informed decisions.

Conflict Resolution

  • Address conflicts calmly and objectively. If disputes cannot be resolved during the meeting, consider mediation.

  • How a Strata Management Company Can Help: Strata managers are trained in conflict resolution and can facilitate discussions to ensure they remain productive.

Decision Making

Voting Procedures

  • Outline voting procedures clearly. For sensitive issues, secret ballots can ensure privacy and fairness.

  • How a Strata Management Company Can Help: A strata management company oversees voting procedures, ensuring they are conducted according to the strata’s by-laws and BC legislation.

Documentation of Decisions

  • Accurately record decisions in the meeting minutes, including action items, responsible parties, and deadlines.

  • How a Strata Management Company Can Help: Strata managers take detailed minutes, ensuring all decisions and action items are documented accurately.


Minutes Distribution

  • Distribute the meeting minutes promptly after the meeting, ensuring transparency and keeping all members informed.

  • How a Strata Management Company Can Help: A strata management company handles the distribution of minutes, ensuring compliance with BC strata laws regarding transparency.

Action Items

  • Track action items and follow up on progress, reporting on the status of these items in subsequent meetings.

  • How a Strata Management Company Can Help: Strata managers monitor and follow up on action items, ensuring they are completed by the next meeting.

Additional Tips

Training and Education

  • Provide training for committee members on strata management and relevant legislation.

  • How a Strata Management Company Can Help: Strata management companies offer training sessions to educate committee members on their roles and responsibilities.

Professional Assistance

  • Consider hiring a professional strata manager to facilitate meetings and handle complex issues.

  • How a Strata Management Company Can Help: Experienced strata managers bring expertise and professionalism to your meetings, ensuring they are efficient and productive.

Keep Your Meetings Productive

At Kinetic Realty & Property Management, we are committed to helping strata communities in Kamloops thrive. By implementing these tips for effective strata meetings and leveraging the support of a professional strata management company like Kinetic, you can ensure your meetings are well-organized, legally compliant, and productive. Contact Kinetic today to learn how we can support your Kamloops strata corporation in achieving its goals and maintaining a harmonious community.